FMDiSC Claris Platform Survey

FMDiSC Claris Platform Survey
The FileMaker Developers in Southern California (FMDiSC) are bringing us a brilliant occasion to take place in a global Survey about the Claris Platform.

This could be Our response to Claris to give feedback about their latest announcements and precise our perception about the new platform strategy and express what we as developers would expect from them to grow the platform further.

The survey is very well thought out and designed to cover all critical aspects.
Thanks to FMDiSC and especially David Knight from Angel City Data for putting in a lot of work during the preparation.

You can get some background about the idea of the survey in his presentation during the latest FMDiSC Meetup on Youtube:

So please take some minutes to fill in your answers to the survey.
Don’t miss this chance to raise our voice as a global FileMaker community.

Just follow this link to start:

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