Mit ‘FileMaker’ getaggte Artikel
Rückblick FMK 2022
Nach zwei Jahren Pandemie-bedingter Pause konnte endlich wieder das alljährliche Treffen der deutschsprachigen FileMaker Community als “echte” Konferenz statt finden....
Presentation: The future of FileMaker
FileMaker has grown a special niche among database development systems for three decades. There is hardly a comparable product that has continued to develop over such a long...
Vortrag: Die Zukunft von FileMaker
FileMaker besetzt seit drei Jahrzehnten eine besondere Nische unter den Datenbank-Entwicklungssystemen. Es gibt kaum ein vergleichbares Produkt, das sich über einen so langen...
The new Claris platform – How everything fits together
After a years long felt period of standstill, something is happening with FileMaker. In several online events held in quick succession in April and May, Claris concretized its new...
Claris Engage Beyond 2021
Bleibt alles anders… Am 25. August fand die Auftaktveranstaltung der „Claris Engage Beyond“ statt, in der wesentliche Ankündigungen zur Neuausrichtung von Claris und zu...
Running a virtual FileMaker Server on a local Machine
Since FileMaker Server is available on Linux there have been some different approaches to install a Server instance on a local machine for developing purposes. To keep it short,...
dot.fmp 2021 virtual conference
The 2021 conference has taken place from 2nd – 5th of June as a virtual event via Zoom. In the ninth year of its existence this was second time that dotfmp has had...
Building a FileMaker-Server Dashboard with Node-Red
This is the 2nd part of my presentation from dot.fmp 2021 that was held on 4th of June at the virtual conference via Zoom. You will find the presentation slides as well as some...
FileMaker and Node-Red – An alternative to Claris Connect?
This is the 1st part of my presentation from dot.fmp 2021 that was held on 3rd of June at the virtual conference via Zoom. You will find the presentation slides as well as some...
dot.fmp International FileMaker Unconference 2016 in Berlin
Vom 1. bis 4. Juni traf sich bereits zum vierten Mal eine bunte Schar von FileMaker-Experten zur .fmp[x]Berlin Unconference. Diesmal waren etwa 90 Kollegen aus 15 Ländern...