2nd Edition of the DuckDB & FileMaker topic, as presented in Malmö at EngageU 2024 conference.
Please find attached Slides and Demo-Files as well as references for further reading.
After exploring the technical basics of integrating DuckDB with FileMaker in the first presentation, we are going to take it a step further this time.
The revised demo file contains several examples of accessing local and external data sources in a variety of formats. We read and write CSV and Excel. We scan local directories with wildcards and access data files in the cloud. We query REST APIs with authentication and explore creative edge cases, such as reading data from a web page with a simple SELECT statement.
After we have tried out the very flexible access options, we will turn our attention to the topic of performance again. Using a real-world use case, we will compare the enormous speed of DuckDB with the native options in FileMaker.
Finally, you will learn some best practices for setting up an ETL process from FileMaker, where DuckDB prepares the data for use in analytical dashboards. A demo case with Evidence shows how to easily integrate a dashboard into the FileMaker solution that generated the data.
This presentation offers a balanced mix of background information on the strengths of DuckDB and shows practical approaches for using potent open source tools to supplement the toolbox within FileMaker business solutions.
With the included information and the attached demo file, you have a good starting point for your own experiments. It’s best to get started right away!
The presentation slides are available for download here:
EngageU Presentation – Integrating DuckDB (PDF 15,7 MB)
Demo files (FileMaker and node.js) are available for download here:
DuckDB_Demofiles_v2.zip (ZIP 197 KB)
Further reading:
- Building a REST API for DuckDB (A step by step guide)
- FileMaker and DuckDB – what’s special about this liaison?
- Integrating DuckDB (Part 1)
If you solved the first steps and want to dive deeper into the topics of DuckDB, ETL and Dashboards, the following list will help you find further resources.
References: DuckDB
- DuckDB.org
- DuckDB Documentation
- DuckDB Blog
- github: duckdb
- Book: DuckDB in Action
- Book: DuckDB Up and Running
- github: awesome-duckdb
References: DuckDB behind the Scenes
- Implementing Hardware-Friendly Databases with DuckDB co-creator, Hannes Mühleisen
- Software Engineering Daily: DuckDB with Hannes Mühleisen
- DuckCon #5: DuckDB – Overview and latest developments
- Data Talks on the Rocks 5 – Hannes Mühleisen, DuckDB
References: Dashboards
- evidence.dev
- Observable
- mosaic
- Rill
- Streamlit
- Looker Studio
- Claris Studio
- evidence Blog: The Most Popular Code-based Business Intelligence Tools, Reviewed
Tags: Dashboards, DuckDB, Evidence, FileMaker, nodejs, RestAPI, SQL, Vortrag