Presentation: The future of FileMaker

FileMaker Conference Presentation - The future of FileMaker

FileMaker has grown a special niche among database development systems for three decades. There is hardly a comparable product that has continued to develop over such a long period of time and is still relevant for current application scenarios.

A dedicated community of developers has remained loyal to the product for what feels like an eternity and has matured along with the system and its possibilities.

In the meantime, the manufacturer Claris has set a new course and is trying to readjust in order to catch up with new technical possibilities and in addition to bring new users and developers on board also.

New tools and new target groups are to pave the way for the future in the global change of rapidly developing technology platforms and new competitors.

Will Claris succeed in this balancing act? What are the specific challenges?
What consequences will the new strategy possibly have for us as developers?

We will start with a short overview and then switch to an open dialog about the opportunities and risks of the upcoming changes. Join the discussion and let’s capture the current mood on the future of FileMaker together.

FMK FileMaker Conference 2022
Wednesday, June, 22nd at 4:00 P.M.
#FMK2022 #Claris #FileMaker

The presentation slides are available for download here:
FMK2022 Presentation – The future of FileMaker (PDF 5,6 MB)

A german version is available here:
FMK2022 Vortrag – Die Zukunft von FileMaker

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Eine Antwort zu “Presentation: The future of FileMaker”

  1. Arnold Kegebein sagt:

    Ich wünschte ich wäre bei dem Vortrag dabei gewesen. Die Diskussion mit den Teilnehmern hätte mich sehr interessiert.
    Danke für die schnelle und auch in Englisch übersetze Version der Präsentationscharts.

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